Keep it in the family with Cat attachments
How can you choose the attachments that will help you get the most out of your machines? Nina Zeidan, Cat Attachments Product Advisor, has all the answers and explains why you should keep it in the family.

How can you choose the attachments that will help you get the most out of your machines? Nina Zeidan, Cat Attachments Product Advisor, has all the answers and explains why you should keep it in the family.
When you’re working with a Compact Track Loader, how can you choose the attachments that will help you get the most out of your machines? Nina Zeidan, Cat Attachments Product Advisor at WesTrac, knows the answer to this question – and it’s a simple one. For those using a Cat Compact Track Loader, Cat attachments are far and away the best choice.
Nina has been working with Cat products for around 10 years. In that time, she’s seen leaps and bounds in improved functionality. “The amount of versatile tools, how much technology has grown and how much investment has been made in bringing these attachments to the market... It’s phenomenal,” she says.
The more advanced Cat technology becomes, the easier it makes life for CTL operators, with costs reduced in terms of both time and labour. You don’t need expert engineering or surveying knowledge, or an external operator to get the job done! Plus, all Cat attachments are specifically designed for Cat machines, ensuring maximum compatibility and efficiency. And with parts and product support readily available through WesTrac, you know you’ll always be covered.
Let’s take a look at a few specific work tools and how they work when paired with a Cat 259D or Cat 239D.
Nina says:
“Cat brushcutter motors are sealed units, so they’re a low-maintenance product that delivers years of high-speed performance. A strong frame that won’t warp and a balanced blade carrier prevent unnecessary vibration, reducing fatigue on tool, machine and operator. Set your continuous flow and creep control on your machine, and just steer your machine over the terrain to easily get a really even finish without having to modulate the joystick to the terrain, or get callouses on your thumb! Keeping the skids firmly on the ground and making sure the blades are sharp ensures you have an even-height cut for the entire job.”
Nina says:
“A hidden skid foot underneath the Cat trencher provides a resting position that enables the operator to position the trencher at the correct angle and ensure an even height without having to guess or adjust the loader arm height of the machine. Creep control lets you cut a trench smoothly and efficiently – there’s no jerking motion or fatigue for the operator. The trencher can also take advantage of the Work Tool Positioner and Return-to-Dig – technologies inside the machine allowing the operator to cut a trench evenly and efficiently, at a level height even when lifting up over footpaths or obstacles and returning to cut. The standard combo chain with carbide-tipped earth cups and carbide rock teeth will easily cut and remove spoil from the trench in almost all ground conditions.”
Nina says:
“Cat auger drives are balanced to our machines’ weight, power, pressure and flow rates. All models come with a hexagon shaft. The reason they’re a hexagon when the common offering in this size class is a round shaft is that when you’re spinning, you’ve got six sides driving the auger bit into the ground (providing the torque), rather than having the entire torque load on the one pin holding the auger bit to a round drive shaft. The variable speed, bi-directional planetary drive motors on the A19B and A26B enable them to match the speed to the torque ratio and just grind through in harder ground. Yes, there are other manufacturers that have a two-speed auger drive, but in some cases you are required to manually have to switch them, whereas our A19B or A26B planetary gear drives just work. There’s no thinking involved.”
Nina says:
“With a Class II rating (up to 4t), Cat pallet forks are the strongest fork carriage frames and tines in their size class in the market. The frame provides great visibility while protecting the operator from material falling back onto the cab. Paired with Cat machine dual self-levelling, you won’t have pallets falling off the tines or have to curl the joystick to ensure that the pallet remains level – reducing fatigue and possibly accidents on the job site.”
So what’s the final word on Cat Compact Track Loader work tools, from someone who knows them best? Nina says the smartest option is to keep things in the family, pairing Cat Compact Track Loaders with Cat attachments for, a perfect match that provides the most cost-effective results. “It’s so important in terms of efficiency and integration,” she sums up. “Unless those two Cat products are paired together, you may not get the most efficient and accurate finish.”