When it comes to Cat® cylinder repairs, WesTrac NSW/ACT has you covered

WesTrac has all your Cat® cylinder repair needs covered. Through multiple branch cylinder repair facilities and our first-class cylinder and machine shop in Tomago, we have the coverage, equipment and expertise for all types of cylinder and strut repairs.

Added to our branch capabilities, WesTrac has a comprehensive inventory in stock including reman rods, seal kits and other common cylinder components.

What are WesTrac’s cylinder repair capabilities?

WesTrac NSW/ACT has cylinder repair facilities across our Bathurst, Cobar, Grafton, Tamworth, Newcastle and Sydney sites. Capabilities and services include:

  • Benches accommodating cylinders in excess of 20m in length and 650mm diameter, along with nut tensioning abilities up to 130,000Nm and 10 tonne pull-apart force
  • WesTrac’s machine shop in Tomago is a state-of-the-art, fully equipped facility dedicated to supporting hydraulic cylinder repair with:
    • Multiple manual and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) lathes and mills, borers capable of performing most machining tasks.
    • Two Sunnen hones with capacity up to 12m
    • Rotary bore and sub arc welders for reclaim of hydraulic rod and barrel clevis eyes and bores
    • Re-barrelling and re-rodding of hydraulic cylinders and rods
    • Day and night shifts to offer round the clock support
  • High Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) and laser clad coating available at our Tomago facility to support different types of cylinder rod re-coatings
  • Cylinder testing capabilities up to 345 bar (solcenic fluids) and 420 bar (mineral oil)
  • Conversion/shock load test roof support cylinders and overhaul for suspension struts and underground Cat cylinders
  • Complete non-destructive testing for cylinder components

What do our cylinder repair offerings mean for your business?

  • With cylinder repair facilities across our regional branches, and in Sydney and Newcastle, we have great coverage across the State to reduce repair lead times
  • Our larger cylinder strip bench with high nut tensioning and pull-apart force means we can repair any type of Cat cylinder inhouse
  • Our Tomago machine shop is equipped with CNC lathes, CNC mills, multiple cylinder honing benches and rotary welding equipment. This means cylinder rods, barrels and pistons can be reconditioned instead of replacing components with new, saving you money
  • WesTrac Tomago’s onsite HVOF and laser cladding equipment means recoating of cylinder rods can be achieved with minimal downtime and with a variety of coating options that offer advantages over hard chrome being turn time, superior abrasive and corrosion resistance and thicker deposition tolerances.
  • Our magnetic particle and ultrasonic testing ensure cracked cylinder components are either repaired or replaced
  • Our end-to-end cylinder repair offerings mean we have more control over repair lead times. By eliminating the use of third-party engineering providers, we can provide faster repair lead times

Why use WesTrac NSW/ACT for Cat cylinder repairs?

Cat designs all cylinders with specific welding, rod coating processes and sealing materials to ensure cylinders achieve maximum life. At WesTrac, we:

  • Utilise a Cat propriety powder in our HVOF rod coating process to make rods more abrasive and corrosion resistance
  • Use genuine Cat seals and spares in all cylinder repairs. Cat rod, wiper, U-Cup and buffer seals feature a proprietary urethane material and have a patented design. Other third-party repairs may be using seals that look like Cat seals but are not designed to achieve maximum cylinder life
  • Stock Cat cylinder rods, new and manufactured that are induction-hardened and inertia welded. This process results in superior stretch and dent resistance extending cylinder life
  • Provide a 12-month parts and labour warranty for all cylinder repairs
  • Repair cylinders according to Cat certified guidelines

To discuss your Cat cylinder repair, HVOF, laser cladding coating or machining requirements, please contact your local WesTrac branch.

For more details on our services please see below link.

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