MLG Oz aligns itself with WesTrac

My name is Murray Leahy, I'm the Managing Director of MLG Oz. Based out of Kalgoorlie and we specialise in delivering integrated supply chain solutions.
I think the secret to success for any business is the people that are involved in it and the suppliers you align yourself with.
So develop a good team, that can deliver on your promise and be supported by the suppliers around you to deliver that.
We were looking for some wheel loaders for a large crushing operation that we have in the Pilbara. The Cat 990 presented good value for money, it had uniformity with some of our existing fleet, it fits very well within the scope of works that we have so hence the choice to run with the 990s.
There's been multiple occasions along the way where we've been challenged with supply, we've had short lead times associated with projects, we've had warranty issues where things need to be dealt with. They've (WesTrac) always gone above and beyond it. At times they've supplied us with other wheel loaders so that there can be product improvement programs carried out on our own fleet. There is no one particular incident, it's a multitude of events along the way that's just built the relationship.
I could walk into the WesTrac here locally in Kalgoorlie, or in Newman, 24 hours a day, buy parts, I can pick up the phone with my local sales rep, when we want a machine priced. It's quick to happen if we have some product support, when we have a local representative here.
(The WesTrac relationship is) a very good fit for our business, it works really well.